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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


  1. From the Web Platform Installer, go to the Arellia tab.
  2. From the Arellia tab, select the Arellia Management Server and Arellia Diagnostics. Because Arellia Web Platform Extensions is a prerequisite, it should already be installed and appear in this list. Select it also.
  3. After those items are selected, click the Install button. This action opens the Web Platform Installer Prerequisites dialog.
  4. From the drop-down box under "What type of database would you like to use?" Select the Remote SQL Server.
  5. Target the service account (sa) on that database server, then type in the password for that server. Click Continue. This action displays a screen detailing all of the items that I have chosen to install and all of the prerequisites that are necessary to install at this time.
  6. If If certain prerequisites aren't installed such as certain SQL plugins or WebDeploy 3.5, the Web Platform Installer and IIS will close and you will have to open them both again, and in some cases, a reboot of the computer is required. It is absolutely best to have all of the prerequisites installed beforehand.
  7. To begin the Installation, click the I Agree button. This action begins the installation of all prerequisites that you are installing at this time.
  8. The Web Platform Installer Configure screen appears. Included in the Configure Screen are all options and fields for the database, with all field already filled in. At this time, you can create a new database password for the AMS user. Additionally a Database Name will be created, and later the Database Name, Database User, and Database Password can be randomized. Click Continue. This action installs the Arellia Management Server. A status bar appears, showing how long the installation is taking.
  9. When the Arellia Management Server is done installing, the Finish screen appears, displaying the following information:
    The following products were successfully installed:

Launch Arellia Management Server

Application Initialization 1.0


Hey there! Before you go, click the link to copy your password. Copy to Clipboard.

