Error messages in the a.log on the SMP server regarding Duplicate Resources for ResourceTypeKey.
Check for the text "Values" in the error message. Extract the name of the Value(s) (in Ex. 1 above "AlgorithmGuid" and "Hash". In Ex. 2 above "OID"). Substitute the name of the value in the following SQL where it says 'Name'. The single quotes must surround the name of the value. If there are two value then do them one at a time.
select, from syscolumns sc
join sysobjects so on
where = 'Name' and so.xtype = 'U'
The Results of the query will give a list of columns and tables. It should be a short list. Find the inventory tables (denoted usually by starting with "Inv_"). Then the table with the correct columns will be the one to put in the following query. If there is more than one try them all. There shouldn't be more than a couple, especially if the table name doesn't apply to the issue.
select * from Inv_Hash
where AlgorithmGuid = '3bc0e8a0-caa1-40e0-b705-c8d990c0babf' and Hash = 'Vk4BBmOH8myRIBDQa9eNPPHoRas='
Put the table name where Inv_Hash is and put the values from the error message in the query. This should give the list of duplicate resources.