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{warning:title SQL 2008 Required}Arellia 7.1 SP3 has introduced requirements of SQL Server 2008 as a minimum SQL Server Platform{warning} Security Analysis Solution 7.1 SP3 is being made available via [downloadable product listing|NS7Preview:How to install Arellia version 7 products - Symantec Installation Manager] {include:SAS71DOC:Overview} For a summary presentation on the changes, see [Arellia 7.1 Service Pack 1 Presentation|] . h3. Requirements * Arellia Security Analysis Solution requires Notification Server 7.1 SP2 as a minimum platform. The recommended system requirements vary depending on the size of the environment. The size of the environment also affects how you configure the platform. For more information, see [Symantec Management Platform Best Practices References|]. * Microsoft Silverlight 5, which you will be automatically prompted to download when first accessing the Arellia Console. It can be manually downloaded from * IIS Url Rewrite 2.0 module needs to be installed on the Notification Server. Symantec Installation Manager will automatically prompt you to install this, or you can manually download it from * Microsoft SQL Server 2008 h3. Installation You use Symantec Installation Manager to install Symantec Management Platform and all of the products that run on the platform. You also use Symantec Installation Manager to install updates, apply licenses, and repair installations. For more information, see the [Quick Start to Installing with Symantec Installation Manager|]. h3. Licensing Changes have been made to how [Arellia licenses it products|Licensing for Arellia Products]. h3. See Also * ["Slow the Flow" KB article|SMP Task Management - "Slow the flow" Client Task errors] outlines issues effecting Task Management within SMP that may possibly impact on evaulation of this release * [Security Analysis Getting Started Guide|SAS71DOC:Getting Started] * [USGCB IE8 Profile Remediation implications|USGCB IE8 Profile Remediation implications] details most probable implications on allowing/approving/initiating remediations based on USGCB IE 8 Xccdf profile recommendations that will significantly impact the ability the ability to use IE in an SMP environment h3. Known Issues {show-to:group=jira-users} {jiraissues:url=|columns=Type,Key,Summary,Priority,Status,Votes|cache=off|width=80%|height=300|title=Known Issues|renderMode=static} {show-to} {hide-from:group=jira-users} {jiraissues:url=|columns=Type,Key,Summary,Priority,Status,Votes|cache=off|width=80%|height=300|title=Known Issues|renderMode=static|anonymous=true} {hide-from} h3. SMP 7.1 SP2 Issues {include:SMP 7.1 SP2 Issues} h3. Changes {show-to:group=jira-users} {jiraissues:url=|columns=Type,Key,Summary,Status|cache=off|width=80%|height=300|title=Changed|renderMode=static} {show-to} {hide-from:group=jira-users} {jiraissues:url=|columns=Type,Key,Summary,Status|cache=off|width=80%|height=300|title=Changed|renderMode=static|anonymous=true} {hide-from} h3. Where to go for more information For the documentation, see [Product Documentation|SAS71DOC:Home]\\ \\ |
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