You can set your own quarantine path. There’s a default path under the Configuration tab (C:\quarantined files under the General tab), or users can change it. The quaranteen folder probably doesn’t even exist as a default in Windows, but you move the file to the restricted location, kind of an anti-virus approach. Quaranteened files are just moved into a protected directory, like with any anti-virus program. “You can use this action to quaranteen an application and have the file moved to default under configuration, or you can set it here in the action.”
The Quarantine action isolates infected files in a protected directory so they can no longer infect the hosting system. You can define a quarantine path in the Security Manager Console under either the Policies tab or the Configuration tab:.
To define a quarantine path under the Policies tab, do the following steps:
- In the file library in the left pane, go to Agents/Plugin > Arellia > Application Control > Application Control Agent Configuration.
- When you create an Application Control Agent Configuration Policy, you can define a quarantine path in the policy settings. (For details, go to Application Control Agent Configurationagent configuration.)