SMP Task Management - "Slow the flow" Client Task errors


Errors are logged on SMP client agents and SMP Client Task Servers that include the text "slow the flow" when clients attempt to post Client Task status message to an SMP server.  CT status messages are lost, and eventually the status of the tasks within Task Management are in error with timeout reasons.


SMP Client Task Management has a hard-coded 700MB Working Set Size memory limit.  When a Client Task status message is received, SMP Task management checks the process (ATRSHOST) working set size and if it is currently over this 700MB limit discards the status message and returns an error to a client

Any set of circumstances may cause the ATRSHOST process to consume Working Set Size memory, as this process is the host process for all server and client based Task Management within SMP.


There is no know resolution at this time for SMP 7.0 (All versions), SMP 7.1 Gold or SMP 7.1 MP1.  Arellia recommends contacting your Symantec support representative for further details quoting eTrack 2303090.