The policy is triggered when users log on to the computer.
You can set the trigger for a specific user.
The policy is triggered when agents startupthe computer boots into Windows.
At task creation/modification
The policy is triggered when an event takes placeis received by Windows.
In the Settings, you can specify filters for the event. For available values of the filters, view a similar event in Windows Event Manager.
On connect to user session
The policy is triggered when an agent a user connects to a user sessionthe Windows session on the computer.
You can specify a specific user and whether the connection came from the local computer (interactive) or a remote connection (e.g. via Remote Desktop Client).
On disconnect from user sessionÂ
The policy is triggered when an agent a user disconnects from a user session.
You can specify a specific user and whether the connection came from the local computer (interactive) or a remote connection (e.g. via Remote Desktop Client).
On idle
The policy is triggered when an agent goes on the computer becomes idle.
On workstation lock
The policy is triggered when an agent the computer session is locked.
You can set the trigger for a specific user.
The policy is triggered when an agent the computer session is unlocked.
You can set the trigger for a specific user.