Create or Change a Policy Schedule

Create or Change a Policy Schedule

Policies are created on the server, downloaded by the clients, and then clients execute the policies on a schedule.

To create a schedule for policies to run, do the following steps:

  1. In the Security Manager Console, click the Policies tab.
  2. In the file library in the left pane, navigate to Policies > Arellia Solutions > File Inventory > Policies.
  3. Click the policy you want to open.
  4. In the right pane under Schedules, click the New Schedule button.

  5. In the New Trigger dialog box, click the menu to the right of Begin.
  6. Click your desired settings.
  7. Click OK.

New Trigger Options


In addition to the scheduling option, new Trigger options are available in Arellia 8.1.

At log on

The policy is triggered when users log on to the computer.

You can set the trigger for a specific user.

At startup

The policy is triggered when the computer boots into Windows.

At task creation/modification

The policy is triggered as soon as an agent downloads it.

On an event

The policy is triggered when an event is received by Windows.

In the Settings, you can specify filters for the event. For available values of the filters, view a similar event in Windows Event Manager.

On connect to user session

The policy is triggered when a user connects to the Windows session on the computer.

You can specify a specific user and whether the connection came from the local computer (interactive) or a remote connection (e.g. via Remote Desktop Client).

On disconnect from user session 

The policy is triggered when a user disconnects from a session.

You can specify a specific user and whether the connection came from the local computer (interactive) or a remote connection (for example, via Remote Desktop Client).

On idle

The policy is triggered when the computer becomes idle.

On workstation lock

The policy is triggered when the computer session is locked.

You can set the trigger for a specific user.

On workstation unlock

The policy is triggered when the computer session is unlocked.

You can set the trigger for a specific user.

Calendar Options


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