

Collections are sets of resources, typically identified by a SQL query or explicit list of resources, and are located in the Resources tab of the Security Manager Console.

Collections can be used to help scope Resource Targets. Membership of these collections is evaluated on a schedule by the Collection Update Task.

Collections may also represent external sets of resources within a Connector product.

Collection Update Task

The collection update task is used to periodically perform a membership evaluation of all active collections. A collection is considered active if it is being referenced by a resource target that is applied to an enabled policy or if the collection is used in some other active manner (for example, an enabled server-side task to synchronize external resource references).

The collection update task runs on the collection update schedule. If you have configured your collections properly and are not seeing resources appear as members, then you can manually run the collection update task and then return back to the collection to view its membership.

To view or modify the collection update task, do the following steps:

  1. In the Security Manager Console, click the Tasks tab.
  2. In the left pane folder library, navigate to Jobs and Tasks > Infrastructure Scheduled Activities > Collection Update.

Collection Update Schedule

By default, the collection update schedule runs every fifteen minutes. You can adjust this value depending on the scale of the environment, the performance of the servers and other product performance metrics.

To adjust the schedule, do the following steps:

  1. In the Security Manager Console, click the Configuration tab.
  2. In the left pane folder library, navigate to Settings > Configuration > Schedules > Collection Update Schedule.
  3. Modify the interval as needed.
  4. Click Save at the bottom.

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