Resource Discoverers

Resource Discoverers

Resource Discoverers are items that gather data. They are typically classified as either client-side (agent) discoverers or server-side discoverers. Discoverers are typically driven by a SQL query that indicates which resources are pending discovery. Discoverers can be installed by the Arellia Management Server (AMS) or other products. Most discoverers are installed as read-only and do not require editing of the queries. However, administrators may want to enable or disable them as necessary.

Examples of Resource Discoverers:

  • File Inventory Solution contains a client-side file discoverer that gathers file details on clients when the data does not exist when a file hash is reported.
  • AMS installs a Digital Certificate Server Resource Discoverer that gathers certificate details when a certificate is encountered.

To Enable or Disable a Resource Discoverer:

  1. In the Security Manager Console, click the Configuration tab. 
  2. In the left pane folder library, navigate to Settings > Configuration > Resource Discovery.
  3. Locate the Discoverer within the sub folders.
  4. Click on the Off (or On) indicator. This will toggle the enabled state.
  5. Click Save.

Alternately, you can right-click the item in the tree and click the Enable or Disable menu choice, which will take effect immediately.

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