Why do my files not have names?
By default Arellia events only send the file hash of the file and not the file name, path, internal file details, or signature. The additional information is collected by Arellia's resource discovery and file inventory processes.
To collect and show the other file details (not just the file hash) in the Application Event Reports, do the following:
- Navigate to Policies > Arellia Solutions > File Inventory Policies.
- Enable the Default File Inventory Policy.
Speeding the discovery process up
The default file inventory and resource discovery schedules have been optimized for large environments. For smaller environments, the schedules can be sped up by changing the following:
- Default File Inventory Policy - The schedule of the policy mentioned above can be changed from every week to every day or every couple of hours.
- Resource Discovery Update - This process is executed every 15 minutes on the server. To change the schedule navigate to Tasks > Infrastructure Scheduled Activities > Resource Discovery and change the schedule.
- Agent Resource Discovery - Agents will automatically perform resource discovery every 4 to 8 hours. This schedule can be changed by navigating to Policies > General > Perform Resource Discovery.