Prevent malicious applications from running

Prevent malicious applications from running

This scenario shows you how to prevent the end user from running cmd.exe.

Scenario description

In this scenario:

  • The end user has run C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe at least once since the
    Application Control Agent was installed.
  • File Inventory Agent has returned file inventory to the Notification Server.

Scenario resolution

To automatically encrypt Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Altiris Console, select the Tasks tab.
  2. In the left pane, select Tasks > Security Management > Application Control >
    Windows > Application Control Tasks > Manage Applications.
  3. In the right pane, enter "cmd" in the Win32 Executable field and click Refresh.
  4. Select all rows of the grid and click the Blacklist button.
  5. Run Collection Delta Update Schedule. For instructions, see Notification Server Help.
  6. Enable the Deny Blacklist execution policy. See Manage applications.
  7. On a managed computer, start cmd.exe. The cmd.exe will not start and you receive a system tray message.

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