Installing the Application Control Agent
Installing the Application Control Agent
The Application Control Agent is software that you can install on your managed computers. The agent lets Application Control Solution run policies, manage applications, and run defined actions.
You can install the agent from the policies in the Application Control Agent Rollout folder. This folder contains generic policies that can be used to push the agent to managed computers, to upgrade the agent, and for uninstallation.
To install the Application Control Agent:
- Once you are in Arellia > Application Control select the Configuration tab.
- Select Application Control Agent For Windows > Application Control Agent Rollout.
- Click either the x64 or x86 Application Control Agent Install policy.
- Ensure the correct policy is selected in the Program name field.
- (Optional) Select Enable Verbose Reporting of Status Events to enable the agent to send status events to Notification Server.
- Under Applied to, click Apply to to specify the computers that the policy applies to.
- Clicking Quick Apply lets you enter a group, filter, or target for the policy. For more information, search on topics about policies in the Symantec Management Platform Help.
You must select at least one computer before the policy can be applied.
- You can click a target or computer in the Applied to list, and then click the pencil symbol to edit the selected target or computer. You can also click the X symbol to delete the selected target or computer.
- The View drop-down menu lets you choose to view either Targets or Computers.
- (Optional) Click Disable download via multicast to disable the multicasting download option.
- Under Schedule, click Add schedule to schedule a time to run the policy at.
- You can also schedule a maintenance window to run the policy during. A maintenance window lets you schedule a duration and a specified number of hours or minutes to check during the scheduled window. For more information, search on topics about scheduling policies in the Symantec Managment Platform Help.
- You can click a start time in the Schedule list, and then click the X symbol to delete that schedule.
- The Time zone drop-down menu lets you choose to use the agent's time, server's time, or UTC time.
- (Optional) Set the Start time for the schedule by adjusting the hours and minutes. Both fields can be adjusted higher or lower.
- (Optional) Click No repeat, and then choose to repeat the schedule every day, week, month, or year.
- (Optional) Click Advanced to specify a start and end date for the policy.
- (Optional) Under Extra schedule options, click any of the following options:
- Run once ASAP - Runs the policy as soon as the package has been downloaded to the managed computer and the run conditions have been met. This option creates a mandatory policy that does not display a dialog on the managed computer before running.
- User can run - Lets the user run the policy immediately after it is available.
- Notify user when the task is available - Notifies the user when this policy is available to run. The user can then control when to run the policy.
- Warn before running - Warns the user before the policy runs. The user can then choose to cancel the task, run the task immediately, or be reminded later.
- Ensure that the policy is enabled using the On/Off toggle. A green On symbol shows in the top right corner.
- Click Save changes.
, multiple selections available,
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