Security Rating Filter

Use a security rating filter in Application Control Solution policies agents to query the Arellia Management Server for the security rating of a particular file hash.

To create a new Security Rating filter, do the following:

  1. In the Security Manager Console, click Policies.
  2. In the file library in the left pane, navigate to Arellia Solutions > Application Control > Filters > Dynamic Filters.
  3. Right-click the Security Ratings folder and click New > Security Rating Filter.
  4. In the Create Item dialog box, enter the Name, Description, and Security Rating System for the new Security Rating Filter.

  5. Click OK.
  6. In the right pane under Settings, choose Rating level and settings for Error Handling (the error handling parameters are used to determine what the filter should do in the case of timeout, or a bad response from the server).
  7. Click Save.