Elevate Windows backup on Windows Vista and Windows 7

Elevate Windows backup on Windows Vista and Windows 7

Elevate the built-in Windows Backup utility on Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems by doing the following steps:

  1. Create a new File Specification Filter:
    1. On the Policies tab, navigate to Policies > Arellia > Application Control Tasks > Application Control Filters > Dynamic Filters.
    2. Right-click and select New > File Specification Filter.
    3. File name: SDCLT.EXE
    4. File path: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32
  2. Create a new ACS policy:
    1. Navigate to Policies > Arellia > Application Control Policies > Application Control Tasks.
    2. Right-click and select New > Elevate Process Rights.
    3. Click on the Applications field and select the File Specification Filter created in step 1.
    4. Select the target computers to apply to.
    5. Save your changes.