Scripted Installation

Scripted Installation

This article outlines how to perform a scripted installation of the Arellia Management Server (AMS).

The following steps require the use of PowerShell scripts, which are disabled in Windows Operating Systems by default. To enable PowerShell scriptsopen an elevated PowerShell window on your AMS instance and issue the command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned. (For more information on the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet, go to the Technet KB article Using the Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet.)

Download and Install

Scripted installation involves downloading a PowerShell script and then running it on your target AMS instance:

  1. Download the Install-Ams.ps1 script
  2. Launch Windows PowerShell using Run as Administrator

  3. Change into the directory where the script is located and execute the script

  4. Change the installation parameters if necessary or accept the defaults



  5. Click on Test Connection to validate the settings.

  6. Rectify any issues you have identified.
  7. Click OK to begin the AMS installation.
  8. When prompted, press Y to accept the Arellia Corporation End User License Agreement. (Note: You may also have to accept the licensing terms of any Microsoft and/or third-party dependencies being installed.)
  9. The installation will run unattended and will take 10-15 minutes. When complete it will open browser window to the AMS console.



During the Operating System dependencies installation you may be prompted to restart. This is expected behavior and the installation will automatically resume when you next log in. If the installation does not resume, then re-run the install script.



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