No Endpoint found for Agent
No Endpoint found for Agent
The Arellia Log View Monitor may occasionally show log messages that say "No Endpoint found for Agent." These messages can be caused by agents being offline, network issues, or server issues.
Offline Agents or Network Connectivity Solution
If the server can't ping an endpoint, then the issue is network connectivity or the agent is offline.
Server Solution
This issue has been fixed in Arellia 8.0 Hotfix 1 (Arellia Management Server Core 8.0.1217)
For Arellia 7.5 customers who are seeing agent logs with "Server too busy" messages or server logs with "No endpoint found for agent. Inner error: 'Unable to connect to the remote server'" then the AMS Application Pool needs to be reconfigured.
- Open IIS Manager and the Application Pools on the server.
- Right-click the Ams application pool and select Advanced Settings
- Scroll to Recycling > Regular Time Interval (minutes) and change it from 1740 to 30 or 60 minutes
- Click Ok and Recycle the Ams Application Pool