Microsoft Azure Service Bus
Microsoft Azure Service Bus
Arellia 8.0 or greater solutions support Internet connected clients through Microsoft Azure Service Bus. Service Bus is a subscription service that external agents can connect to and use to communicate with an internal Arellia Management Server (AMS) instance. This document is broken up in two sections:
Azure Service Bus Configuration
Arellia requires a Service Bus relay for remote communication. To create a new Service Bus, do the following steps:
- Open the Azure Management Console
- Select New > App Services > Service Bus > Queue > Custom Create
- Set the Queue Name to "ams"
- Set the region to the region closest to AMS
- Select Create a new namespace and set the namespace to something unique but memorable. The namespace will be used for all incoming communication.
- Click next and uncheck "Enable Partitioning" on the second configure page.
- Click the Check-mark to create the service bus.
- Select the new Service Bus instance and then select Connection Information at the bottom of the page.
- Use the RootManagedSharedAccessKey for the AMS Service Bus Configuration.
AMS Service Bus Configuration
To configure a Service Bus instance with a custom URL and credentials for the AMS to connect with, do the following steps:
- In the Arellia Security Manager Console, click the Configuration tab.
- In the directory in the left sidebar, navigate to Foreign Software Systems > User Credentials
- Select New > User Credential and set the Name to ServiceBus User Credential
- Set the Account name to RootManagedSharedAccessKey and set the Password to the Shared Access Key obtained from step 9 above.
- Save the user credential
- In the directory in the left sidebar, navigate to Foreign Software Systems > Foreign Software System Types > Azure Service Bus.
- In the Windows Azure Service Bus pane, click the New button.
- Then when the option drops down, click Azure Service Bus Instance.
- In the Arellia Security Manager - Create Item dialog box, enter the name of the Service Bus (the namespace created in step 5 of the Azure Configuration) and click OK.
- In the Security Manager dialog box that opens, set the Shared policy credential to the Service Bus User Credential created in step 3.
- Set the Queue name to "ams" or the queue name used in step 3 of the Azure Configuration
- Set the Shared access policy name to RootManagedSharedAccessKey and the Shared access key to the key used in step 4 for the password of the Service Bus User Credential.
- Click Save .
- Right-click the newly created Service Bus instance and select Enable.
- Recycle the AmsWorker application pool for the new settings to be applied.
Agents can then be configured to connect to the Service Bus and communicate with AMS by Setting the Arellia Management Server Address to the Service Bus Address.