Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint


The Arellia Management Server can integrate with Microsoft SharePoint by forwarding application elevation requests received by Arellia Application Control policies.The requests can then be approved or denied directly from the SharePoint Server.

This integration requires Application Control Solution 8.0 or greater.


  1. Open the Arellia Security Manager Console and click on the Configuration tab
  2. Navigate to Settings > Foreign Software Systems > User Credentials 
  3. Verify that the Default User Credential has access to the SharePoint server, or create a new credential that has access
  4. Navigate to Settings > Foreign Software Systems > Foreign Software System Types > SharePoint 
  5. Select New > New SharePoint Instance 
  6. Set the Name and Base Uri of the SharePoint Instance and select OK
  7. Then set the credentials that should be used by Arellia when communicating with the SharePoint server and select OK
  8. Click on the Tasks tab and select Workflow at the bottom
  9. Expand Automation > Approvals and right-click on Approval Processes 
  10. Select New > Approval Process > SharePoint Approval Process
  11. Name the new approval process and select the SharePoint Server Instance
  12. Configure the newly created approval process to according to your SharePoint setup
  13. Save the SharePoint Approval Process
  14. Right-click on the Approval Types folder and select New > Execute Application Approval Request 
  15. Name the Application Approval Request and configure it to be policy and file specific and set the process handler to the SharePoint Approval Process from step 10
  16. Save the SharePoint Application Approval Request
  17. Click on the Policies tab and navigate to Policies > Arellia Solutions > Application Control > Actions > Messages > Advanced 
  18. Right-click on Approval Request Form Action and select clone and change the name to SharePoint Approval Request Form Action
  19. Click on the link next to Approval type and select the SharePoint approval type created in step 14
  20. Save the message


    The newly created message can then be used as an application action that will collect the reasons from end-users and send those automatically to the SharePoint Server.