Apply Provisioned Account

Apply Provisioned Account

To Apply a Provisioned Account using a policy, do the following steps: 

  1. Create a local security policy that uses the client command Local Security Provision Command (for instructions, go to Create a Local Security Policy.)
  2. Create a provisioned user with a static password (for instructions, go to Create Provisioned Account With a Static Password).
  3. Configure the provisioning policy settings
  4. Configure the Policy Schedule and Resource Target
  5. Enable and Save the policy. The static password will then be set.

To Apply a Provisioned Account using a task

  1. From the Arellia Security Manager Console, go to the Tasks tab.
  2. Navigate to Jobs and Tasks / Client Tasks / Local Security.
  3. Create a New Client Task that uses the Local Security Provision Command 
  4. Set the provisioned user parameter to the provisioned account with the static password.
  5. Run the task.  

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