Determine if the Policy is Applied
Determining which policy is applied to a process is useful when diagnosing whether a policy is being applied correctly.
To determine which policy is applied, do the following steps:
- Open the Arellia Agent Logs (for details, go to Viewing the Agent Logs).
- If a policy is being applied to a process, then:
- The log message will read – "Policy {F289D632-9665-40B0-BC19-0FE8A899A107} (priority 45) applies to process 3468 via Process 3468 (C:\Location\NameOfApplication.exe) Source: CASMonitor Module: ArelliaACSvc.exe Exe: ArelliaACSvc.exe."
- You can look up the policy in the Security Manager Console by using the GUID from the log message like so: http://NameOfServer/Ams/SecurityManager#/Policies/f289d632-9665-40b0-bc19-0fe8a899a107
- If a policy does not apply the log message will read: "No policies applies to process 2028 (C:\Location\NameOfApplication.exe) Source: CASMonitor Module: ArelliaACSvc.exe Exe: ArelliaACSvc.exe."