Using Data Feeds

Using Data Feeds

Arellia uses data feeds to publish dynamic content to customers. Data feed content includes new reports, filters, tasks, and policies that can be referenced or used by customers in their environment.

To import data feeds, do the following steps:

  1. In the Security Manager Console, click the Configuration tab.
  2. In the file library in the left pane, navigate to Settings > Configuration > Infrastructure and then click Data Feeds.
  3. In the right pane, select AMS Product Configuration Feeds.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Select Items on the right side of the AMS Product Configuration Feeds row.
  6. Select the Arellia solutions for which you want to import data feeds.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Select Items for your selected Arellia solutions.
  9. Click the data feed you want to import.
  10. Click the Download and Import button.

  11. Click the box next to the items within the list to import.
  12. Click Save at the bottom.

Update Data Feed Items

  1. Go to the Configuration Tab of the Security Manager Console.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Infrastructure > Data Feeds.
  3. Click the "Select Items" link on the right side of the list item to update.
  4. Click the item to update.
  5. Click the Update button on the toolbar above the list.



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