Agent not appearing on the server

Agent not appearing on the server

When an agent is not appearing on the Arellia Management Server, the first step to take is to View the Agent Logs and check for registration errors.

If you see an error that says "AMS Base URL is currently NULL", "An unexpected error occurred while trying to send events via messageBus", or "Do not have AMS configuration URL. Sleeping for 00:05:00". Then the agent does not have a BaseURL set and does not know what the Arellia Management Server address is. Fix this by Setting the Arellia Management Server Address

If you see an error that says "Failed to Register", or "There was no endpoint listening at https://SERVER/Ams/Agent/AgentRegistration3.svc that could accept the message." Then you need to verify that the Arellia Management Server is operating normally and that there are no network filters preventing traffic to https://SERVER/Ams/Agent/AgentRegistration3.svc 

If the logs look clean and do not contain errors or warnings, then the name of the Computer should show up under the Resources Tab in the Arellia Management Server / Organizational Views / Default / All Resources /Asset / Network Resource / Computer .

If the SystemType, Domain, Manufacturer, or Model columns are empty, then the Basic Inventory Policy has not yet been executed on the agent. As soon as the policy has executed, the computer will show up in reports that require the Basic Inventory data. 

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