Analyzing Application Compatibility Testing Logs

Analyzing Application Compatibility Testing Logs

After you have applied the Application Compatibility Testing Action, you can then verify the testing logs to see a list of applications that have compatibility issues.

To verify Application Compatibility Testing Logs, do the following steps.

  1. In the Arellia Security Manager Console, click the Reports tab.
  2. In the file library in the left pane navigate to Reports > Arellia > Application Control > Whitelist > Application Verifier Logs. If any incompatible applications exist, events will appear in the Application Verifier Logs.
  3. Right-click an event and click Analyze Log
  4. In the Analyze Log dialog box, an advanced view of the returned event, clicking the Adjust Compatibility button brings up the Adjust Application Compatibility wizard which you can use to create an elevation policy.


After analyzing Application Compatibility Testing logs you can use the Adjust Application Compatibility wizard to create an elevation policy to grant full administrator rights to a targeted application.

The Adjust Application Compatibility wizard creates both the new elevation policy and the new Application Compatibility action in the Application Compatibility folder.


You can also right-click an application from the Event Viewer and adjust the compatibility with an Application Compatibility Testing Action.

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