Application Compatibility Testing Policy

Application Compatibility Testing Policy

The Application Control Solution can enable you to analyze the compatibility of your applications with a new OS, other applications, and device drivers.

 To analyze application compatibility, do the following steps:

  1. Open the Arellia Security Manager Console.
  2. Navigate to Policies > Arellia Solutions > Application Control > Policies > Application Analysis.
  3. Right-click Application Analysis and click New > Application Compatibility Testing Policy. 
  4. Enter a name and description, and then click OK.

  5. Under the applied to section, delete the current resource target. 
  6. Then click Apply To > Computers and then proceed to chose the computers that have the Microsoft Application Verifier installed. 
  7. Enable and save the Policy.


This policy will then gather feedback for all applications that are executed on that machine. Feedback can then be analyzed here.

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