Automate Document Encryption

Automate Document Encryption

In the following example we will show you how to automatically encrypt Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

  1. In the Security Management Console, click the Policies tab.
  2. In the folder library in the left pane, navigate to Arellia > Application Control > Policies.
  3. Double-click the Policies folder.
  4. Click New > Automate Document Encryption
  5. In the Create Item dialog box, enter the name and description. 
  6. Click the Encrypt Common Application Documents link.

  7. In the Select Items dialog box in the left pane, click MS Excel.

  8. Click OK.
  9. Open Microsoft Excel.
  10. Create a new spreadsheet.
  11. Save the new spreadsheet.
  12. Close Microsoft Excel.
  13. Open Windows Explorer and double-click the new spreadsheet you created.
  14. To verify that the encryption is working, log on using a different user account and attempt to open the file.