Application Compatibility Testing action

Application Compatibility Testing action


Performs Standard User Analysis on the target process

Introduced in 7.1 SP3

This feature was Introduced in version 7.1 SP3

Non Creatable Action Type

This feature has no configurable properties and a single default instance is present

The Application Compatibility Testing action leverages Microsoft LUA/SUA Application Verifier technology to analyze a program at runtime to help determine what problems may exist within a program that may be fixed by applying Application Compatibility shims.

For a good overview on this style on analysis please see the "App Compat Guy"'s article What are the ACT Compatibility Evaluators Really Good For?

When the Application Testing Action is applied to a process the action collects a log of issues found when running the program and forward this log to the Notification Server for Analysis. This functionality is equivalent to the Standard User Analyzer in Microsoft's Application Compatibility Toolkit, but in an automated distributed manner.

Once the logs have been forwarded to the Notification Server they can be analyzed and then have Application Compatibility Policies applied to them.

Application verifier roll out

Microsoft Application Verifier must be present on the machine for this action to work. All of the required Software Delivery components to install this are installed with the Application Verifier Pack portion of Application Control.

A Computer Filter Application Control Testing Computers drives Software Delivery roll out of the Application Verifier components, as well as the default targets of Application Compatibility Testing policies. A shortcut to the Application Control Testing Computers collection is present in /Policies/Arellia/Application Control for simplified access.

After the Microsoft Application Verifier has been rolled out by using the above filter and the install policies found in Configuration > Settings > Agents/Plug-ins > Arellia > Application Control > Microsoft Application Verifier. The Non-configurable Application Compatibility Action(Actions > Application Compatibility) can then be used as an application action for an Application Control Policy. Doing so will perform the standard user analysis on the target process and send the report back to the Notification Server for further analysis. See Analyzing application compatibility testing logs for more information.