Discovered file names appear blank under Altiris console

Discovered file names appear blank under Altiris console


Some reports when viewed in the Altiris console have a blank file name. The same reports viewed in the Arellia console show the correct file name. This occurs even after a full resource discovery has run successfully for the application in question.


Arellia have created a server task that can be run on a schedule to reset the localized file name back to the correct value.

  1. Download the attached Update File Resource Name Strings Task.xml file.
  2. In the Security Manager Console, click the Configuration tab.
  3. In the file library in the left pane, navigate to Settings > Arellia > File Inventory > Windows.
  4. Import this task.
  5. Refresh the tree if necessary.
  6. Schedule this task to run as often as desired.

Running the task will make sure that localized file names in the Altiris console will match the proper file name as used in the Arellia console.

Additional information

Symantec Management Platform (SMP) incorrectly tries to set these file names as localizable. When the file is first discovered it is given a blank file name for both its invariant and localizable names, even though the resource is not marked as localizable. Resource discovery runs the file, then has its invariant name set by Arellia. SMP still has a blank localized string however, so when the file is viewed in the Altiris console it will attempt localization which produces the blank file name.