Automate document encryption

Automate document encryption

This section describes the process involved in automatic document encryption. For this scenario you will create a policy to enforce document encryption for all Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets.

Scenario description

In this scenario, the end user has:

  • Two user accounts
  • Microsoft Excel

Scenario resolution

To automatically encrypt Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, perform the following steps:

To access the Application Control Policies page: 

  • In the Symantec Management Console, on the Home menu, click Arellia > Application Control
  • In the left pane, select Policies > Application Control > Application Control Policies
  • Right-click Application Control Policies and select New > Automate Document Encryption

  • Configure the policy details as follows:
    • Enable the policy using the On/Off toggle.
    • In the Name field, enter Encrypt Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets.
    • In the Description field, enter "This policy will automate the encryption of all spreadsheets created or modified by Microsoft Excel."
    • Click the Include: link and in the Items Selector dialog, select MS Excel. Click OK.
    • Click Save changes.
  • Open Microsoft Excel, create a new spreadsheet, save it, and close the application.
  • Open Windows Explorer and browse to the new file. The filename will appear green.
    Checking the Advanced Attributes on the file properties shows that the file is encrypted.
  • To verify that the encryption is working, log on using a different user account and attempt to open the file.