Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) device collection synchronization

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) device collection synchronization

Thycotic can integrate with Microsoft SCCM and pull in existing resource filters to be used for Thycotic Policy targets.

To create a collection, do the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Foreign Software Systems > User Credentials.
  2. Select the  Default User Credential and verify that those user credentials that have access to the System Center Configuration Manager.
    1. If they don't, create a new credential that has access to the SCCM Server.
  3. Navigate to Foreign Software Systems > Foreign Software System Types > System Center Configuration Manager.
  4. Select New > System Center Configuration Manager Instance.
  5. Name the System Center Configuration Manager and provide the FQDN of the SCCM server and the site name and click OK.

  6. Navigate to Resources > Resource Filters (blue navigation bar in the bottom left).
  7. Right-click System Center Configuration Manager and select New > SCCM Collection.
  8. Set the Name and the SCCM Instance and click OK.
  9. With the SCCM Instance set you can then click on the link next to SCCM collection and select the collection to use in this Resource Target.
  10. After the collection is set, save the new resource target.
  11. Then right-click the collection on the left-hand side and select Synchronize Collection.
  12. This will force the collection to update immediately (this will happen automatically on the server-based collection update schedule, usually every 15 minutes).
  13. The collection will then be an exact replica of the computers targeted by the SCCM Device Collection and can be used in Thycotic Policy Targeting.


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