Install Local Security Solution

To install Thycotic Local Security Solution, do the following steps:

  1. For instructions on how to install Local Security Solution (LSS), go to Install Thycotic Products.
  2. On the Setup page under Select Products to Install, select the Thycotic Local Security Solution check box and the dependencies will automatically be selected.
  3. Click Install
  4. Accept the product license.

For instructions on how to upgrade Local Security Solution, go to Upgrade Thycotic Management Server.

In order to use LSS, administrators must install the Thycotic Agent (for instructions on how to install Thycotic Agents, go to Thycotic Agents Home) and the Local Security Agent on a remote computer. Any computer that administrators manage within an enterprise must have both Agents installed before proceeding. 

The Local Security Solution Lifecycle illustrates how you can use LSS to secure your enterprise against threats or attacks.