Configurable Arellia Group Policy Settings
Configurable Arellia Group Policy Settings
Regardless of how you installed agents or rolled agents out to your network, Arellia has a method to link those agents with Servers.
Arellia has templates that enable you to point agents back to the Arellia Management Server (AMS). To perform this task, do the following steps:
- Download the attached AMSAgent.admx and AMSAgent.adml files
- You can install the custom AMS Group Policy on a single machine or domain controller
- To install on a single machine:
- Copy AMSAgent.admx to %systemroot%\PolicyDefinitions
- Copy AMSAgent.adml to %systemroot%\PolicyDefinitions\en-US
- To install on a Domain Controller effectively making the custom GPO available to all Domain Administrators:
- Copy AMSAgent.admx to %systemroot%\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\PolicyDefinitions
- Copy AMSAgent.adml to %systemroot%\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\en-US
- From the Group Policy Management Editor, navigate to Policies.
- Go to Administrative Templates > Arellia > Agents > AMS Agents and click Connected Server
- In the Connected Server window, click Enabled and then click OK.
- Set the Client Item Signature Validation