Display advanced message

The Messages > Advanced action folder contains the following advanced feedback messages:

  • Application denied message action - This action will display a notification of denial to the user attempting to run a process controlled by a policy.
  • Application denied notification - This action will display a notification to the user that the process has been denied by a policy. The notification window fades in and out automatically and will close after a period of time.

  • Application warning message action - This action will display a warning to the user before allowing the application to run.

  • Approval request form action - This action displays an approval request form before allowing the application to run.

  • Authenticated justification message action - This action will display a customized message to the user, allowing for feedback and requiring authentication before running an application.

  • Group member authenticated message action - This action will display a customized message to the user and requires authentication by a member of the specified group if the end-user is not a member.
  • Justify application elevation action - This action will display a justification prompt to the user before allowing the application to run.
  • Justify application message action - This action will display a justification prompt to the user before allowing the application to run.

After cloning any of the advanced messages you can customize the logo, message, and link in the dialog box.