Elevate .msu files

Elevate .msu files

Elevate Windows Update packages (.msu files) for non-admin users by doing the following steps:

  1. Create a Win32 or File Specification filter for Wusa.exe.
  2. Create a Command Line filter for the .msu file. Note: Select partial matching in the command line filter and include the name of the update file either with or without the .msu extension.
  3. Create a new Elevate Process Rights policy. 
  4. In the policy settings under the Applications to Controltab, choose the Wusa.exe filter you created previously.
  5. Under Conditions > Include Only, choose the command line filter for the .msu file.
  6. Click the Policy Enforcement tab.
  7. Make sure the policy priority value does not interfere with other policies.
  8. Click to clear the Continue enforcing policies after enforcing this policy and Continue enforcing policies for child processes after enforcing this policy check boxes.
  9. Under Applied To click Apply Toand target the desired policy.
  10. Click Save.