Working with Network Shares

Working with Network Shares

Network shares provide an easy target for both whitelisting and elevation policies. For example, policies can be created to add administrator rights to any installer launched from the network share location or whitelist all applications contained in the MSI files of a network share location. This document will walk through the most common use cases for network shares.

Elevation Policies

Elevate Applications launched from the Network Share

These policies require that the installer is launched directly from the network share, if the installer is copied or moved to the a different location the installer will not be elevated by these policies. 

Elevating Executable (.exe) Files

Elevating all executables in a network share location is extremely easy. Simply open the Application Control Policy Wizard, select Elevate Privileges and then Shared Location. Then set the UNC path to the Network Share and have the wizard create the policy. 

Elevating MSI Files

Elevating all MSI files in a network share location, requires the use of a secondary file filter to target the network share. See Elevate MSI Files for more information.

Elevate Applications Regardless of Location

These policies will allow the installers in the trusted network share to be elevated regardless of their location. See Elevate Installers Regardless of File Location for more information. 

Whitelisting Policies

Whitelist Applications 

Arellia can scan the installers in a network share location and automatically whitelist the applications that will be installed. See Whitelist MSI and ZIP File Content.


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