Download profiles

Download profiles

We maintain a list of frequently-requested SCAP content available from well-known sources and make it available on the Download Profiles page. You can then import these downloads plus other content into the database for use within your policies (for more information, go to Import profiles). 

To download profiles, do the following steps:

  1. In the Security Manager Console, click the Profiles tab.
  2. At the bottom of the left pane, click the Download Profiles link. On the right side, you will see a list of profiles available from various sources.
  3. Locate the profile(s) you want to download and click the plus sign to the left of the profile name to expand the list of downloads.
  4. Select the profile version or options you want to download by clicking the box to the left of the profile name.

    Refer to the content author if you need clarification of the content or versions. The link to the content appears to the right if you wish To manually download and review the content prior to importing it, click the URL to the right of the content Description and Author.

  5. Click the Import Profiles button at the bottom to start the background tasks that perform the downloading and importing.

Updates to profiles

After you import profiles, the check box on the left of the profile selections will be disabled. If any changes are detected in the author's source, the row background (in the list of profiles) will appear green to indicate there is updated content available and the check box will be available for you to select to import the updates to these profiles. Select the profiles as you did when first imported and then click Import Profiles button at the bottom.

What to expect

Many of these downloads will contain multiple profiles that get imported in the background. This process may take a few minutes or multiple hours, depending on the size of the content and load on the server. However, this all happens automatically and does not require any other user interaction.

Once the profiles have been imported, they will appear on the left side, organized by applicable platform and benchmark.

Verify profile import process

To verify the status of the import process, open the Resource Explorer console and open the SCAP Content resource that was created for this profile. The details of the import are listed in the Data Class named SCAP Content. Any validation errors that occurred will be listed in the Event Class named SCAP Data Validation Errors.

The names of these elements on the left side of the tree are defined by the author within the SCAP content itself. You can change the names by editing the profile after import.

Import data without Internet access

If you don't have Internet connectivity on the system you're using to install and configure Security Analysis Solution (SAS), then download the SCAP profiles on a machine that is connected to the Internet and copy them to a folder on the unconnected system. 

You can download the SCAP profiles from the following URLs:

