View profiles

View profiles

Selecting a profile in the list will allow you to view the configuration and see which groups and rules are selected, as well as the configuration of the rules themselves.

Visual elements

Profiles consist of groups, rules and values, all encapsulated into a benchmark that apply to one or more platforms (CPEs). Check boxes to the left of the groups and rules indicate that they have been selected to be enforced within this profile.




Platform (CPE)

Software version or type that the benchmark has been designed for.


Container and relationships between rules and allowable values.


OVAL Profile that defines which objects and states that should be tested for conformity.


Arbitrary collections of groups and rules.


Objects and state definitions that are to be tested.


Variable references and/or static values that are allowed for the tested objects.


When a profile is initially imported, it is read-only. You may, however, change the name and/or description of the profile, but not the contents or configuration of the rules. In order to edit the profile contents or configuration, you must first clone the profile. See Edit profiles for more information.

To change the name and/or description of the profile, simply edit the text at the top of the profile and click the Save button at the bottom.