Using Arellia to enable ActiveX installs

Using Arellia to enable ActiveX installs

ActiveX with Arellia

For Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x and Windows 10 machines, Arellia utilizes the ActiveX Installer Service. For Windows XP, Arellia uses it's own mechanisms to elevate ActiveX installations. Both types of machines can be managed by Arellia.

Windows XP ActiveX installations

An Application Control Policy needs to be created, please refer to http://www.arellia.com/wiki/display/KB/Controlling+ActiveX+objects.

Windows 6.x ActiveX installations

Rather than relying on Active Directory GPO or manually configuring approved installers on each machine, Arellia can send a task to each machine in an environment to enable approved ActiveX Install sites. This task/script will be included in future releases and is available now by contacting Arellia support.

The script will create the necessary registry keys to enable 1 or more ActiveX controllers to be elevated.

More information

For more information about the Microsoft ActiveX Installer Service see http://www.arellia.com/wiki/display/ACS71DOC/Standard+Windows+7+Users+Install+ActiveX

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