8.1 Release Notes

8.1 Release Notes

Upgrade Installation and Requirements

For information on requirements and how to install Arellia Management Server (AMS), go to the following documents:

For full details about the required steps to upgrade, go to Upgrade from 8.0 to 8.1.

New Features in the AMS 8.1 Release

The primary new feature set of the AMS 8.1 release is support for resource scope-based Security. This allows for role-based security for Computers, Users and User Groups based on organisational views (such as Active Directory organization units). For details on Resource Scoping, go to Modify Access to Resources.

Server Features

The AMS 8.1 release includes the following new server features:

  • Enhanced task scheduling
  • Improved data loading performance
  • New AES Encryption Provider
  • Introduced SMTP Foreign Server type to hold configuration for SMTP-based tasks
  • Manual Approval Process allows for initiation of custom tasks to be executed

Agent Features

The AMS 8.1 release includes the following new agent features:

Console Features

The AMS 8.1 release includes a console that utilizes an asynchronous HTTP stack enabled for improved performance



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