Upgrade NS 6.x to SMP 7.1


What are the issues, actions and options for an upgrade from Notification Server 6.x to SMP 7.1


  • Of course whilst migrating from NS6 to NS7, the NS6 server should be kept around (and not just the database) for reference purposes.
  • Because of structural issues between the mapping of file Resources between NS6 and NS7, we do not support the use of the Migration Wizard for use between NS6 and NS7.
  • If any policies, filters, actions, etc wish to be retained all of these can be exported from NS 6 and imported into NS7.
    • Generally what we recommend is the standard right-click, export action inside the NS console.
  • Migration
    • Deploy the new agents
    • Import polices, filters, actions, etc.
      • Note:  Policies and configuration simply need to follow the organization done in NS 6 as ACS works in the same fashion from 6.x to 7.1.
    • Test, test, test in a non-production environment first.
      • It is generally recommended to use the message action only on polices first to make sure the correct rules are being applied.  This is most important for deny actions as they can lock down the system severely if not applied correctly.