How to reconfigure Arellia products

How to reconfigure Arellia products

Sometimes it is necessary to perform a (re)configure of solutions hosted on the Symantec Management Platform.

Examples of these cases are:

  • Failed SIM installation, due to transient conditions such as database deadlocking
  • System reconfiguration, such as moving database or restoring from backup
  • Product installation defects that are resolved by multiple imports of the solution configuration

Usually in these cases the end user is required to uninstall / reinstall to fix the issue.

A script has been written to automate the process of reconfiguring Arellia solutions as needed, in the required install order that SIM adheres to.

Download the attached ConfigureArellia.vbs to your SMP server. Running with no arguments gives the usage:

C:\>cscript ConfigureArellia.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Runs AeXConfig.exe /configure for the specified Arellia products

Usage:  ConfigureArellia.vbs [ALL|product1[,product2]]


Arellia Products that are currently installed:


Example command lines:

  • ConfigureArellia.vbs ArelliaCommon,FileInventory,ApplicationControl
  • ConfigureArellia.vbs ApplicationControlAgentPack
  • ConfigureArellia.vbs ALL

Only products that are registered as installed will be available for reconfigure. Product registration occurs early in the list of tasks SIM performs during product installation.

If SIM fails to install any Arellia solution MSI before product configuration takes place the attached script will not help - you will need to contact Arellia support for assistance.