Include Primary User option in Provisioned Groups

Include Primary User option in Provisioned Groups


Include Primary User is an option available when configuring a Provisioned Group in LSS.  When this option is enabled, the Primary User (as calculated by the SMP/NS server and agent) will be added to the indicated group when the provision action occurs.


This feature was requested by customers and fits certain user management strategies.

Issues may arise when machines are first being introduced to management, especially if there is configuration of a new OS in the mix.  A number of different users (logons) may be used when configuring the machine.  The calculation of the Primary user may change frequently when this happens especially if over a month end.  Also the discovery process for the accounts may take some time.

So the recommendation would be to not enable Include Primary User when machines are first being introduced unless the desired primary user is going to be the calculated primary user by the SMP/NS system.  After the machine is under management for one cycle of Primary User calculations then the Primary User should be stable enough to enable this option.